Is It Cheaper to Charge an Electric Car Than Gas?

Published on: July 15, 2023
Written by Imtiaj Belal / Fact-checked by Rizbi Neyaj

Gas vs Electric Car Cost Per Mile Calculator

Yes, it is generally cheaper to charge an electric car than to fuel a traditional gas-powered vehicle. The cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles is an appealing aspect for many consumers.

Electric cars offer considerable savings over time, despite initial price tags that can be higher than their gas counterparts. Using a gas vs electric car cost calculator can illuminate these potential savings. The cost per mile for an electric car vs a gas car typically favors electric vehicles, which have lower fuel costs and less maintenance.

is it cheaper to charge an electric car than gas

Discussing the cost to charge an electric car, it varies depending on several factors like local electricity rates, the car’s battery capacity, and charging efficiency. Yet, it’s often significantly lower than the cost of gasoline. The expense of electricity for car charging at home can be easily calculated. Generally, it’s a fraction of what one would spend on gas.

Moreover, the query of how long does it take to charge an electric car is frequently raised. While the time frame can differ based on the type of charger used and the vehicle’s battery capacity, the convenience of charging at home overnight or at work is a factor many find advantageous.

In terms of operational costs, the price per mile of an electric car consistently outperforms that of a gasoline vehicle. This can be clearly seen when using a gas vs electric car cost per mile calculator. So, while the upfront costs might be higher, the long-term savings make electric vehicles a smart choice. Ultimately, the price of electric gas for cars proves to be more economical over time, making them a sustainable and cost-effective solution for the future of transportation.

Cost Per Mile: Electric vs Gas

The Price Breakdown

Charging an electric vehicle (EV) is typically about three times cheaper per mile than fueling a gas-powered car. For instance, driving a compact electric sedan, one would pay roughly $0.05 per mile to charge the EV compared to the $0.14 per mile fuel cost for a gas-powered vehicle.

Cost of Charging an Electric Car

At-Home Charging

Charging an electric vehicle at home can be convenient and cost-effective. The expense depends on local electricity rates and the vehicle’s battery capacity. Most electric vehicles are equipped with a level 1 charger that can be plugged into a standard household outlet, offering a low-cost charging solution.

Public Charging

Although usually more expensive than at-home charging, public charging stations provide quick charging solutions for EV drivers on the go. Many stations offer level 2 or DC fast charging, which can provide an 80% charge in as little as 30 minutes.

Gas vs Electric Car Cost Comparison

Initial Purchase and Maintenance

Electric cars can be more expensive upfront, but they often have lower maintenance costs. Electric vehicles don’t require oil changes, and with fewer moving parts, there’s less that can go wrong.

Operational Costs

Electric vehicles outperform gasoline cars in terms of operational costs. The cost per mile to drive an electric vehicle is significantly lower, even without factoring in potential savings from government incentives or reduced maintenance costs.

Cost FactorElectric CarGas Car
Purchase PriceHigherLower
Maintenance CostLowerHigher
Fuel Cost Per Mile$0.05$0.14
Total Operational Cost Over TimeLowerHigher

Environmental Impact

Beyond cost, electric cars also have the advantage in terms of environmental impact. Electric vehicles emit no tailpipe pollutants, reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, as renewable energy sources become more common, the environmental footprint of charging an electric car decreases even further.

In this analysis, it’s clear that charging an electric car tends to be cheaper than fueling a gas car. It’s also notable that the benefits of electric cars extend beyond simple cost-effectiveness, presenting advantages in environmental impact and long-term savings.

Comparing Costs: Gas Car vs Electric Car

It’s crucial to compare the financial aspects of owning a gas car versus an electric vehicle. While the price at the gas pump or the electricity rate may appear self-explanatory, it barely scratches the surface of the overall financial picture.

Consider the average fuel cost per mile: It varies widely based on vehicle efficiency, location, and fluctuating gas prices. For example, if a gas car averages 25 miles per gallon and gas prices are $3.00 per gallon, the fuel cost per mile is around 12 cents.

Let’s contrast this with the cost per mile for an electric vehicle. If electricity costs are $0.12 per kilowatt-hour, and the car consumes around 0.34 kWh per mile, the cost per mile comes to about 4 cents.

Beyond fuel, maintenance plays a pivotal role in the cost equation. Gas cars have more moving parts that can break down – think transmission, exhaust system, or oil changes. Electric vehicles, lacking such components, typically have lower maintenance costs.

To present a more comprehensive picture, consider the following table:

Cost FactorGas CarElectric Car
Fuel Cost per Mile~12 cents~4 cents
Typical Maintenance CostsHigherLower
Resale ValueVariesTypically high
Upfront Vehicle PriceModerate to HighTypically high

Other Considerations: Range Anxiety and Charging Infrastructure

The thought of running out of charge with no station in sight is enough to give potential EV owners pause. This “range anxiety” is a prominent consideration that influences buying decisions. While electric vehicles have been steadily improving their ranges, many still can’t match the distance a gas car can cover on a full tank.

This fear, albeit valid, can be mitigated by improving the charging infrastructure. In urban areas, the number of charging stations has seen significant growth. However, rural areas remain underserved. The presence and accessibility of charging stations directly impact the practicality of owning an electric vehicle.

How is the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles Likely to Evolve in the Future?

The future holds promise for the evolution of charging infrastructure. As electric vehicle ownership increases, the demand for accessible and efficient charging solutions will only rise. In response, businesses, municipalities, and governments are investing heavily in expanding the current infrastructure.

Firstly, expect to see more charging stations – at workplaces, public facilities, and even inside residential communities. This expansion will not only cater to urban areas but will gradually reach rural and remote locations as well.

Next, rapid charging technology is on the rise. These stations will drastically reduce charging times, bringing them closer to the time it takes to fill up a gas tank. As this technology becomes more prevalent, it will make electric vehicles more practical for long-distance travel and emergency charging needs.

Lastly, advancements in technology will enable smarter charging solutions. These may include dynamic charging rates based on demand and time of day, and even integration with renewable energy sources for a truly sustainable solution. In essence, the future of charging infrastructure aims to address the key concerns of range anxiety, convenience, and environmental impact.


Is Charging Your Car Cheaper Than Gas?

Yes, charging an electric car is usually cheaper than fueling a gas vehicle. The exact cost depends on local electricity rates, but generally, you can expect to pay about one third of the cost per mile compared to gas.

What Is the Cost of Electricity Per Mile vs Gas?

On average, the cost of electricity per mile for an electric vehicle is approximately $0.05. In contrast, a gas-powered vehicle averages around $0.14 per mile, making electricity significantly cheaper.

Can You Calculate the Cost of Gas vs an Electric Car?

Absolutely, you can use a gas vs electric car cost calculator. It factors in aspects like mileage, gas price, electricity rates, and vehicle efficiency to give you a comparative cost estimate.

Is Electricity Cheaper Than Gasoline?

Yes, electricity is typically cheaper than gasoline. While rates can vary depending on your location, on average, it costs less to charge an electric car than to fuel a gas-powered vehicle.

How Much is Electric Gas for a Car?

The term “electric gas” is a misnomer as electric vehicles don’t use gas. Instead, they use electricity to charge their batteries. The cost to charge can vary based on local electricity rates, but it’s often significantly cheaper than gasoline.

How Much Cheaper is Electric Than Gas?

The cost to drive an electric vehicle is about three times cheaper per mile than a gas-powered vehicle. For example, a typical cost might be $0.05 per mile for an electric vehicle, compared to $0.14 for a gas-powered vehicle.

How Long Does It Take to Charge an Electric Car?

The time to charge an electric car can vary depending on the type of charger and the vehicle’s battery capacity. A standard home charger (level 1) can take several hours to fully charge an EV, while a fast charger at a public station can do it in as little as 30 minutes.

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