Anker 21W Solar Charger vs Goal Zero: A Detailed Comparison

Published on: October 27, 2023
Written by Ozzy Evander / Fact-checked by Rizbi Neyaj

The Anker 21W solar charger is known for its efficiency and compact design, while the Goal Zero option stands out for its versatility and brand reputation. Both have their unique strengths, catering to different needs and preferences.

Anker 21W and Goal Zero are two prominent names in the world of portable solar chargers, each boasting distinct features that set them apart. The Anker 21W is celebrated for its high-efficiency power conversion, ensuring that your devices get charged quickly even under suboptimal sunlight conditions. Its foldable design and lightweight nature make it a favorite for individuals on the move, particularly hikers and campers who require an easily transportable power source.

anker 21w solar charger vs goal zero

On the other side, Goal Zero is renowned for its robust build and reliability. It is engineered to endure tough environmental conditions, making it a suitable companion for adventurous souls venturing into extreme locales. The integration of a smart charging feature that optimizes power transfer to the connected devices is a notable attribute of Goal Zero chargers.

In terms of power output, the Anker 21W is adept at providing a steady flow of energy, ensuring that your devices remain powered during long outdoor sojourns. Goal Zero, with its adaptive technology, adjusts the power output based on the connected device, ensuring safety and efficiency.

Choosing between the Anker 21W and Goal Zero boils down to individual preferences and specific needs. If a compact, efficient, and highly portable solar charger is what you seek, Anker 21W might be the right pick. For those looking for a rugged, reliable, and adaptive charging solution, Goal Zero could be the way to go. Each offers a unique blend of features to keep your devices charged and ready to use in the great outdoors.

Anker 21W Solar Charger vs Goal Zero: A Detailed Comparison

Ever been on a camping trip and realized your phone’s about to die? Or maybe you’re just environmentally conscious and looking for green energy solutions. Either way, portable solar chargers like the Anker 21W and Goal Zero have probably caught your eye. Let’s jump right into the nitty-gritty of these two popular models and see which one might be your new best friend on those outdoor adventures.

Efficiency and Power Output

Anker 21W Performance Metrics

The Anker 21W is like that friend who’s always on time. It boasts a swift charging speed, ensuring your devices get juiced up without much wait. Its power conversion rate is impressive too, making the most out of every sunray.

Charging SpeedFast
Power Conversion RateHigh

Goal Zero Performance Metrics

Goal Zero, on the other hand, is like the reliable buddy you can always count on. It might not always be the fastest, but it’s consistent. Its charging speed is commendable, and the power conversion rate doesn’t lag far behind.

Charging SpeedModerate
Power Conversion RateModerate to High

Design and Portability

Anker 21W Design Elements

Ever tried fitting a square peg in a round hole? That’s not the case with the Anker 21W. It’s sleek, lightweight, and designed for the traveler in mind. The material quality feels premium, and its foldability? Just like folding a piece of paper. Easy and convenient.

Goal Zero Design Elements

Goal Zero feels like that rugged backpack you’ve had for years. It’s sturdy, adaptable, and built to last. While it might be a tad heavier than the Anker, the material quality ensures it can withstand a few bumps and bruises. Plus, its adaptability means it can fit into various setups with ease.

Durability and Build Quality

Anker 21W Durability Features

Imagine a shield that can withstand rain, wind, and dust. That’s the Anker 21W for you. It’s designed to resist various weather conditions, ensuring longevity. And as for wear and tear? It ages gracefully, much like fine wine.

Goal Zero Durability Features

Goal Zero is like that old truck that keeps running no matter what. It’s built for the long haul. Whether it’s rain, snow, or heat, this charger stands tall. Its longevity is a testament to its robust build and quality.

Usability and Features

Anker 21W User Experience

Using the Anker 21W feels like a breeze on a hot summer day. It’s intuitive, user-friendly, and comes with features that make the charging process seamless. From indicators to safety measures, it’s got everything you’d want in a solar charger.

Goal Zero User Experience

Remember the first time you rode a bike? The thrill, the excitement? That’s how using the Goal Zero feels. It’s straightforward, with innovative features that make you wonder how you ever lived without them. It’s not just a charger; it’s an experience.

Value and Affordability

Anker 21W Cost and Value Proposition

Think of the Anker 21W as a gourmet meal at a food truck price. It offers premium features without burning a hole in your pocket. Its price point is competitive, and the value it provides? Simply unmatched for its range.

Goal Zero Cost and Value Proposition

Goal Zero is like that concert ticket where every penny feels worth it. It might be a bit pricier than the Anker, but the value it brings to the table is undeniable. From its robust build to its adaptive features, it justifies its price tag.

Environmental and Safety Considerations

environmental and safety considerations

Anker 21W Eco-friendly Features

Going green? The Anker 21W is right there with you. Made with eco-friendly materials, it ensures you’re not harming the planet. And its energy efficiency? It ensures you’re making the most out of every sunbeam.

Goal Zero Eco-friendly Features

Goal Zero is like planting a tree for every book you read. It’s conscious of its environmental footprint. The materials used are sustainable, and its energy efficiency ensures you’re not wasting any precious sunlight.


What Are the Key Differences in Efficiency Between Anker 21W and Goal Zero?

Anker 21W is known for its fast charging speed, attributed to its high power conversion rate. It’s like the sprinter who finishes the race in record time. Goal Zero, on the other hand, is more of a marathon runner – steady and reliable. It offers consistent charging, ensuring your devices are powered up, albeit not as quickly as the Anker 21W. Each has its unique strengths, catering to different user needs and preferences.

How Do the Design and Portability of the Two Models Compare?

Anker 21W is your go-to for something light, compact, and easy to carry – think of it as the paperback book you can slip into any bag. Goal Zero is more like an encyclopedia, a bit heavier but packed with features and durability. Anker is designed for the on-the-go individual, while Goal Zero is for those who need a robust and sturdy charger, even if it means compromising a bit on the weight.

Are Both Models Durable and Weather Resistant?

Yes, both models are built to last. Anker 21W is like a raincoat, designed to withstand various weather conditions, ensuring your charger remains safe and functional. Goal Zero is akin to a fortress, built robustly to endure even the harshest conditions. It’s a battle of elegance versus strength, with both models emerging as winners in their respective categories.

How User-Friendly Are the Anker 21W and Goal Zero?

Anker 21W is as easy as pie, with intuitive features that make the charging process a breeze. It’s like having a personal assistant that’s always ready to help. Goal Zero, on the other hand, is like a treasure trove of features – every use reveals something new and exciting. Both are designed with the user in mind, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.

Which Model Offers Better Value for Money?

Anker 21W is akin to a budget-friendly buffet – a variety of features at a price that won’t break the bank. Goal Zero is more of a fine dining experience – a bit pricier, but the quality and features justify the cost. The choice between affordability and premium features becomes a personal preference, with both models offering significant value.

How Do the Two Models Fare in Terms of Environmental Impact?

Anker 21W is like a garden, made with eco-friendly materials and ensuring energy efficiency. Goal Zero is akin to a forest, conscious of its environmental footprint and built with sustainable materials. Both models are champions of green energy, ensuring that while you’re powering up your devices, you’re not harming the planet.

Can Both Solar Chargers Power Multiple Devices Simultaneously?

Yes, both Anker 21W and Goal Zero are like power stations, equipped to charge multiple devices at once. Anker 21W does this with efficiency and speed, ensuring your gadgets are powered up in no time. Goal Zero takes its time but ensures consistent and reliable charging. They are designed to meet the power needs of the modern, tech-savvy individual, ensuring connectivity even in the great outdoors.

Choosing between the Anker 21W and Goal Zero is like picking between chocolate and vanilla – both are great, just depends on your taste. Whether you prioritize efficiency, durability, design, or value, both these chargers have something unique to offer. So, next time you’re out in the wild or just chilling in your backyard, remember, the sun’s not just for tanning; it’s for charging too!

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