Bose Sleepbuds 2 Won’t Charge: Reasons & Solution

Published on: July 25, 2023
Written by Rizbi Neyaj / Fact-checked by Ozzy Evander

If your Bose Sleepbuds 2 are not charging, it could be due to issues with the charging case. Charging case malfunction is a common problem reported by users.

In some instances, the charging case might fail to power the earbuds despite being plugged in. Users have reported this on various platforms, including Reddit, where the topic of Bose Sleepbuds 2 not charging has been discussed at length. The issues typically relate to charging case malfunctions or the left earbud not working.

bose sleepbuds 2 won't charge

Often, the solution lies in resetting the charging case, a relatively straightforward process detailed in the Bose user manual. Yet, it’s crucial to note that the reset procedure may not always resolve the issue, especially if it is hardware-related. In such cases, Bose typically offers a charging case replacement to solve the problem.

Another problem you might experience involves the charging lights. These are designed to indicate the charging status and battery level, but they can sometimes fail to function properly. This problem doesn’t necessarily mean your Sleepbuds 2 aren’t charging; it may just be an indicator issue.

As a step forward, Bose released the Sleepbuds 3. These next-generation earbuds offer improved performance and charging functionality, addressing some of the charging issues reported with the Sleepbuds 2.

In conclusion, if you’re having trouble charging your Bose Sleepbuds 2, you might want to try resetting the charging case or seek a replacement if necessary. Stay tuned to Bose’s official updates for firmware improvements and newer models like the Sleepbuds 3.

Bose Sleepbuds II: Charging Basics

Charging Mechanism Overview

Bose Sleepbuds II utilize a unique charging case, designed to replenish the power of the earbuds swiftly and efficiently. Inserting the buds correctly into the case allows the built-in connectors to align, enabling the transfer of power from the case to the buds.

Battery Life and Charging Time

The Sleepbuds II boast an impressive battery life for their size, offering up to 10 hours of use on a single charge. The charging case provides additional charges, extending the battery life up to 30 hours. Charging time is typically around 6 hours for a complete charge from zero to 100%.

Bose Sleepbuds II Specifications

Charging Time6 hours
Battery Life (Earbuds)10 hours
Battery Life (With Charging Case)Up to 30 hours
Charging CaseYes

Identifying the Charging Problem

Signs of Charging Issues

Charging problems with your Bose Sleepbuds II might manifest in several ways. The most apparent is the failure of the buds to power up, even after prolonged charging. Additionally, the buds might not hold a charge, running out of power more quickly than expected.

Troubleshooting Steps

Before jumping to conclusions, it’s crucial to follow some basic troubleshooting steps. These can include checking if the Sleepbuds are correctly positioned in the charging case, verifying the charging case has power, and confirming the power source is functional.

Troubleshooting Checklist for Charging Issues

Troubleshooting StepCheck
Are Sleepbuds correctly positioned in the case?
Does the charging case have power?
Is the power source functional?

Possible Reasons Your Bose Sleepbuds II Won’t Charge

Problem with the Charging Case

A common cause of charging issues is a faulty charging case. This could be due to a problem with the case’s connectors, a depleted battery, or physical damage to the case itself.

Issues with the Sleepbuds Themselves

The issue could also be with the Sleepbuds. This could be due to a malfunctioning battery, misaligned connectors, or physical damage to the buds.

possible reasons your bose sleepbuds ii won't charge

Defective Cables or Power Source

A damaged charging cable can prevent power from reaching the Sleepbuds. Similarly, a defective power source, such as a malfunctioning USB port or wall outlet, could also be the cause.

Software-Related Problems

In some instances, the charging issue could be software-related. This might include outdated firmware, or a glitch in the system that affects charging.

Solutions for a Defective Charging Case

Inspecting the Charging Case for Damage

A thorough visual inspection of the charging case can reveal signs of damage or debris. Pay close attention to the connectors within the case and check if they are clean and undamaged.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning the charging case regularly can prevent buildup of debris, which might interfere with the charging process. Use a clean, dry cloth to gently clean the case and its connectors.

Resetting the Charging Case

If cleaning doesn’t work, resetting the charging case could be a potential solution. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to perform a reset.

Rectifying Issues with the Sleepbuds

Examining the Sleepbuds for Damage

Just like the charging case, the Sleepbuds should be inspected for signs of damage. Be sure to check the connectors and ensure that they align correctly with the case.

Cleaning Procedures

Keeping the Sleepbuds clean can extend their life and ensure efficient charging. Wipe them gently with a clean, dry cloth, paying extra attention to the connectors.

Resetting the Sleepbuds

Resetting the Sleepbuds can often resolve charging issues. Refer to the user manual for specific instructions on how to perform a reset.

Addressing Cable or Power Source Problems

Checking Your Charging Cable

Inspect the charging cable for signs of wear or damage. If in doubt, try using a different cable to see if the issue persists.

Assessing the Power Source

Test your power source (wall outlet or USB port) with another device to see if it’s working. If not, try a different power source.

Resolving Software-Related Issues

Keeping Firmware Updated

Regularly updating your Sleepbuds’ firmware ensures they’re running the latest software, which can help avoid charging issues. Bose provides updates through its official app.

Fixing Connectivity Problems

If your Sleepbuds are not properly connected to the app, this might affect charging. Make sure your device is paired and connected to the app.

Resetting the Software

A full software reset can often fix charging issues. Bose provides instructions on how to perform a software reset in the user manual and on its official website.

Reaching Out for Professional Assistance

Recognizing the Need for Professional Help

If you’ve tried everything and your Sleepbuds are still not charging, it’s time to seek professional help. Don’t attempt to open or repair the buds yourself as it could void your warranty.

Contacting Bose Customer Support

Reach out to Bose customer support for guidance. They can assist with troubleshooting and, if necessary, guide you through the warranty or repair process.

Warranty and Repair Options

If your Sleepbuds are under warranty, Bose will likely repair or replace them free of charge. If your warranty has expired, Bose can provide repair options, possibly at a cost.

Bose Customer Support Contacts

Contact MethodDetails
Phone Number1-800-379-2073
EmailBose Support Email Here
Live ChatBose Support Live Chat

Maintenance and Prevention of Future Charging Issues

Proper Care for Your Sleepbuds

Regular cleaning and proper storage of your Sleepbuds and charging case can prevent many common charging issues. Always store your Sleepbuds in the charging case when not in use.

Good Charging Practices

Avoid overcharging your Sleepbuds and keep them away from extreme temperatures, which can damage the battery. Always use the supplied Bose charging cable and adapter.

Keeping Your Sleepbuds’ Software Updated

Regularly updating the software of your Sleepbuds ensures that they are running the latest firmware, which can help prevent charging and other issues.


What Does It Mean if My Left Bose Sleepbud Is Not Working?

This could indicate a charging issue or a problem with the Sleepbud itself. Ensure the bud is correctly positioned in the case and the case is charged. If the problem persists, contact Bose support.

Why Are My Sleepbuds II Not Charging?

Several factors can cause charging issues, including a faulty charging case, defective cables, power source problems, or software-related issues. Try basic troubleshooting steps like checking the charging case and cable, or resetting the Sleepbuds.

Can the Battery in Bose Sleepbuds II Be Replaced?

No, the battery in Bose Sleepbuds II is not user-replaceable. If you suspect a battery issue, it’s best to reach out to Bose customer support for assistance.

Why Does My Bose Sleepbuds II Battery Drain Quickly?

Fast battery drain could be due to software issues or the battery nearing the end of its lifespan. Make sure your Sleepbuds’ firmware is up to date and if the problem persists, consult with Bose support.

Are There Specific Lights That Indicate Bose Sleepbuds II Charging Status?

Yes, the lights on the Bose Sleepbuds II charging case indicate the charging status. A blinking white light indicates charging, while a solid white light means fully charged. A blinking red light signals a charging error.

How Long Does It Take for Bose Sleepbuds II to Charge?

Typically, it takes around 6 hours for Bose Sleepbuds II to reach a full charge from zero. However, charging time may vary slightly based on factors like power source and the condition of the battery.

What Should I Do if My Bose Sleepbuds Won’t Connect?

Connectivity issues can be due to various factors such as range, interference, or software issues. Try resetting your Sleepbuds, moving closer to your paired device, or removing any potential sources of interference. If these steps don’t work, reach out to Bose customer support.

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